Meet the Women of Sweet Releaf

Jul 26, 2022 | Company News

Sweet Releaf wouldn’t be where it is without the women on our team! Pictured above from left to right: Chandara Choch (Ambassador of Education & Production Team Member), Susanna Frohman (Co-Founder), and Didi Davis (Co-Founder).

We asked Susanna, Didi, and Chandara to answer a few questions to get to know them better. Read their responses below!

Q: Why did you choose the cannabis industry?

Didi: Actually, I guess you could say that the cannabis industry chose me and I’ll explain why. I was my daughter’s post spinal surgery caregiver after a devastating car accident that left her disabled and in chronic pain for life. We tried traditional pharmaceuticals for several years from which she suffered numerous debilitating side effects. I was aware of the healing qualities of the cannabis plant including reports that it relieved pain, so we turned to cannabis as a possible solution. After applying messy and smelly cannabis oils to the skin (one of the only things available for sale at the time), we learned two valuable lessons: first, that our experiments with high-THC topicals did indeed help her pain a lot, and second, that she felt no psychoactive effects from it! So we created a pleasantly scented, deeply soothing topical cream. We realized that sharing this product could help many thousands of people also suffering from chronic pain. So we decided to enter the cannabis industry in order to help people in pain and quickly found that our product worked on many variations of painful conditions. It has been a rough & tumble ride for a long time as the federal ban on THC forbids more research, banking is still unavailable for cannabis businesses and state regulations have imposed onerous restrictions on companies like us. But we’re here now and the rest is another story!

Q: Why do you believe in Sweet Releaf’s mission?

Chandara: I believe in natural holistic medicine. Sweet Releaf offers instant pain relief and immediate comfort through its invigorating botanicals. Our products provide amazing hydration and the very best pain relief.

Q: How do you incorporate Sweet Releaf into your daily life?

Didi: Sweet Releaf has become my “go-to” for pain on an “as needed” basis. For instance, I have arthritis which causes my hands to be stiff and painful in the morning. I will often massage it into my hands to get them limbered up and flexible before starting my day. Thankfully, that usually lasts all day. I also rub it into my shoulders & neck areas because I carry a lot of tension there, which usually resolves it quickly. I also used it after hip surgery, to help sore muscles around the surgical site as well as massaging around the area to stimulate nerve reconnection. Finally, I will often use it on itches from bug bites or rashes because it stops the itching and can decrease a rash when applied repeatedly. I encourage you to experiment and see how it can help your day too!

Susanna: Daily wellness starts with exercise, a healthy meal, plenty of water, vitamins, and regular use of Sweet Releaf for just about everything topical throughout the day. For example, I get frequent migraines and at the onset of a migraine, I rub Sweet Releaf on my face, head, neck, shoulders, and ears to lessen the severity. Even though we made Sweet Releaf primarily for pain, in our household we also use it regularly for sore muscles, tension relief/relaxation, sunburns, and as an overall skin moisturizer. In the evening, I like to end the day with quiet mediation and reading. I also like to apply Sweet Releaf to my feet and to say thank you to my body for carrying me so well through the world each day.

Q: What’s your favorite part about being on the Sweet Releaf team?

Chandara: Sweet Releaf is a pioneer of topicals in the herb rush. We have fun and I love working with the community and a company that prides itself on education and quality. I believe in holistic wellness – and Sweet Releaf is the best!

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