From Our Founder Didi Davis

Sep 10, 2021 | Cannabis Topicals, Uses for Topicals

Our Sweet Releaf COMFORT Warms Roll-On won 2nd place for Best Therapeutic Topical at the Emerald Cup 2021! We believe it’s because our products really work.

Feedback from Paul, a carpenter and gardener

While talking recently with my carpenter friend Paul, we compared notes on the toll our professions take on us as we age. I shared how my hands often tingle and burn from slightly herniated disks in my neck caused by years at my desk making sales calls. I told him “I use the Comfort Warms roll-on in the morning to get my fingers loosened up for the day. I love the smell and how easy it is to massage it into my fingers, not to mention how quickly the soreness leaves.”

Paul shared he uses our COMFORT PLUS body butter for intense pain in his knees caused by climbing up and down ladders on construction sites. “I apply it at night and it really helps take the edge off extreme pain in only a few minutes,” noting that he’s found both the body butter and the roll-ons to be equally effective. Paul is a musician who loves playing guitar, even with mild arthritis in his hands. “For arthritis, nothing is better on finger joints than Sweet Releaf” he enthused. Then, as an afterthought he added, “I also love to garden and found by experimentation that COMFORT kills the itch on just about any insect out there that bites!”

Feedback from Linda, a bookkeeper

I also spoke with Linda, a bookkeeper friend who told me she used Comfort Warms Roll-On for her trigger finger and that it totally eliminated the sticking! A long time user of Sweet Releaf products, she mentioned that “sometimes my hip hurts in the middle of the night so I keep COMFORT PLUS in a nightstand drawer and I rub it on as needed and by the time I close the drawer, it doesn’t hurt anymore!”
Linda also shared that her sister -in-law has very bad arthritis in her hands but she worked through the pain because her prescription pain meds were outrageously expensive. COMFORT PLUS has become a great alternative for her.

During a recent visit, Linda’s sister tripped and fell off a new deck, wrenching her shoulder. Luckily Linda had given her a Comfort Warms Roll-on which she applied right away. The next morning her shoulder pain had greatly decreased. “I liked it better than the cream,” she told Linda. “It has a really nice smell, not overpowering, just warm and soothing.” It’s great when I’m out and driving to and from the lake. My neck and shoulders get sore, so It’s always in my handbag!”

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