Susanna’s Wellness Routine

Aug 25, 2021 | Cannabis Topicals, Uses for Topicals

Self-care seems more important than ever these days and Sweet Releaf is truly a mainstay for overall wellness in our household. We use it to daily reduce pain from chronic ankle and knee injuries, especially before and after exercise and working out.

I also use Sweet Releaf Comfort + regularly to reduce the onset of migraines, which are increasing this fall with smoke from the California wildfires. I thoroughly cover my jaw, neck, ears, and cheekbones with Comfort or Comfort + body butters and Comfort Warms Roll-On whenever I feel the dull ache of an oncoming migraine. It really helps reduce the overall pain level and it has even stopped the onset of migraines completely!

Beyond acute pain, daily wellness in our household involves balancing a busy workday and school schedule with healthy meals, regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, an evening mindfulness practice and drinking herbal teas like Breathe Easy to promote lung support during fire season.

At the end of a long workday, I like to sip on a shot of a cannabis beverage or eat a low-dose edible for relaxation. This type of ingestion also helps with my meditation practice. I often rub Sweet Releaf into my feet before bedtime and I can definitely feel the difference the next morning!

We originally made Sweet Releaf to help reduce pain but really, in our home, we use it for just about everything, from headaches to sore muscles, aching feet, as an overall skin moisturizer and as a wonderful aid for tension relief and overall relaxation.

Wishing you wellness from Susanna & the Sweet Releaf team.

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